属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-维基百科集资 Wikipedia’s Fund-r
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-灰色的幽影 Shades of grey
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-购物游戏 时装零售和社交媒体
1 | ||1:过去不明真相的外界责难维基百科,其内部也渐生自满情绪。||2:现在看来两种情况都有好转。||3:维基百科推广的概念,即任何人都可以给在线百科提供高质量东西越来越得到人们的认可。||4:维基百科的词条几乎都不是尽善尽美的,但是它们随时欢迎人们完善修改,这就大大地给它加分了。||5:维基百科也正在逐步摆脱极富个人魅力的威尔士先生的控制和对一小波讲英语爱好者的过度依赖。||6:对那些担心互联网越来越商业化、越来越孤立的人来说,维基百科逃过一劫继续扩大也是一种积极的信号。||7:它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。 | ||1:Wikipedia has suffered in the past from ill-informed criticism from outside, and complacency on the inside.||2:Signs now are that both are diminishing.||3:The idea that an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit can provide high-quality content is increasingly established.||4:Wikipedia entries are rarely perfect, but their flaws are always open to instant remedy; that is a big plus.||5:The outfit also seems to be moving away from its dependence on the charismatic Mr Wales, and from its over-reliance on a narrow caste of Anglophone enthusiasts.||6:Wikipedia’s survival and expansion are also encouraging signs for those that worry the internet is in danger of becoming too commercial and closed off.||7:Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge: it is making news too. | |
2 | ||1:乍一看,这书是危险与动机的混杂体。||2:警察不得不在数月里保持勇敢。||3:塞尔维亚人不得不即刻做决定。||4:以色列士兵在退役前数年的焦虑让他烦恼不已。||5:揭发者被炒了,另一方面塞尔维亚人面临枪决。||6:这些例子乍一看没有什么共性,但这也是Mr Press所要强调的地方。||7:当我们看到它时会认可道德上的勇气。||8:而要解释清楚却极端困难。 | ||1:At first glance, this looks like a jumble of risks and motives.||2:The policeman had to be brave over months.||3:The Serb had to decide in an instant .||4:The Israeli soldier’s disquiet nagged for years before he quit.||5:The whistle-blower was fired, whereas the Serb faced being shot.||6:That lack of a pattern, though, is part of Mr Press’s point.||7:We recognise moral bravery when we see it.||8:Explaining it is extremely hard. | |
3 | 轰轰烈烈的阿拉伯之春不可避免导致了大量实时书籍的涌现。 | THE Arab spring has, inevitably, spawned a gaggle of instant books. | |
4 | 她削减了鬈发,换上了夺目的妆容,穿上连衣裙,登上了世界的舞台。她是如此完美以至于在1986年成为了公告牌(Billboard)的年度艺人之后,瞬间轰动世界。 | who had cut back the frizzy hair, lightened the make-up, changed the dress, and launchedher on the world so perfect hat by 1986 she was Billboard artist of the year, an instant sensation. | |
5 | 一些零售商也已很快地和Fantasy Shopper搭成了合作协议,因为该网站除了能够帮助他们推销商品之外,还能让他们得到一些潜在客户的及时反馈,让他们知道应该卖什么样的商品。 | Retailers have been quick to team up with the firm because it helps with promoting products and gives instant feedback from potential customers about what is likely to sell. | |
6 | “让你见识一下”怪物说道,瞬间,他就变成了一只老鼠,还在地上快速地跑着。 | "You shall see, " replied the Ogre, and in an instant he became a mouse and began to scamper about the floor. | |
7 | 唉,就像人类大脑一样,它能在刹那间从贪婪转向恐惧。 | Alas, like the brains of individual human beings, it can shift in an instant from greed to fear. | |
8 | 不管走得多远,我总是希望你会在一瞬间出现在我眼前 | NO matter how long I am away , I always wish you could appear before my eyes in an instant . | |
9 | 达到高度自尊不会立刻实现。 | Accomplishing high self-esteem will not happen in an instant . | |
10 | 弹指岁月倾城顷刻间烟灭 | Years passed in a snap of fingers, beauty vanished in an instant | |
11 | 感情上的创伤是最快也是最简单的在霎那间耗尽你能量的方法。 | Emotional trauma is one of the quickest and easiest ways to deplete your energy reserves in an instant . | |
12 | 何种情形会轻易的令你大发脾气? | What situation is it that can make you lose your temper in an instant ? | |
13 | 互联网是完美的合作滋生地,它把各式各样的想法和代码瞬间传遍世界各地。 | The perfect breeding ground for collaboration, the Internet moves ideas and code around the world in an instant . | |
14 | 回到路上,他被四个人拦路打劫。他的剑亮了出来,瞬间之内,那四个人的人头落地,开膛破肚,倒地咽气。 | Back on the road, he is set upon by four highwaymen. Out comes his sword, and in an instant , they are decapitated, eviscerated, kaput. | |
15 | 立即;马上即时通讯片刻,瞬间方便面;速食面 | in an instant instant messaging for an instant instant noodle | |
16 | 例如,如果使用DebianLinux,那么可以用sudoapt-getinstallfish命令直接安装fish。 | For example, if you use Debian Linux, you can install fish in an instant with the command sudo apt-get install fish. | |
17 | 魔鬼又领他上了高山,霎时间把天下的万国都指给他看, | The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. | |
18 | 能够通过将保存的交谈记录转发给其他人来共享信息。 | You can forward the saved chat transcripts to others, allowing you to share information in an instant . | |
19 | 你可以喝一碗可口的味增汤来替代茶或咖啡,味增汤很有营养而且是随时可泡的。 | Swap one cup of tea or coffee a day for a delicious mug of miso soup. It is highly nutritious and can be made in an instant . | |
20 | 你可以随时做一些在生活中令你心跳的事。 | You can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. | |
21 | 你可以在转瞬间改变自己的心情。 | You can change how you feel in an instant | |
22 | 你能比以前更快的下载音乐和电影,并且你能立即特推这些。 | That you can download music and films faster than before, and that you can tweet all of this in an instant . | |
23 | 前些天她还在这里,充满活力,眨眼间就物事人非。 | One day she was here and vibrant and in an instant there was a different story to tell. | |
24 | 顷刻间,全体船员惊动起来了。 | In an instant the whole crew was on foot. | |
25 | 然而,这次诊断彻底改变了我们的人生轨迹。 | But that cancer diagnosis changed life as we knew it in an instant . | |
26 | 如今,弹指一挥,我又看着同样年轻的孩子们全副武装地战斗在伊拉克或阿富汗。 | And then, in an instant , I was watching kids exactly the same age in full body armor in Iraq and Afghanistan. | |
27 | 霎时间,我的思绪从对那天晚餐做什么的隐约担忧,转变成一种更深层、更烦心的焦虑。 | In an instant my mood switched from faint anxiety over what to cook for supper that night to a deeper, more troubling angst. | |
28 | 世界的改变,命运的转机,也许就在我们一念之间。 | Perhaps we can change the world and fortune in an instant . | |
29 | 虽然迈克离这有一小时的路程,但给我感觉他马上就赶到了。 | Even though he lived about an hour away, it felt like he was there in an instant . | |
30 | 他们必须明白习惯的改变需要时间,新的文化不能一夜之间就会出现。 | They need to allow for the fact that habit change takes time, and that a new culture could not be born in an instant . |